Welcome to October! This year we are taking DVAM in a slightly different direction and have revamped our terminology from Domestic Violence Awareness Month to Domestic Violence Action Month! Yes, the focus is on ACTION. What can I do? What can you do? What can we all do together to reduce domestic abuse as it happens in our community, neighborhood, workplace, school, faith community, and family?

It’s a great time to come up with specific action steps for yourself. Your own ideas are best. If you want a jump start think about these actions:
• Carry around TTD’s tear off cards to hand out to people you may be concerned about.
• Take our posters to your workplace, doctor’s office, or veterinarian’s office to name a few. Ask them to hang the poster for others who may need it.
• Join a book club…. Start a book club! Find a book that highlights domestic abuse and its impact and ask your friends to read and discuss together. (Have some TTD materials to share; invite us to one session to describe our services.)
• Think about what you would say if you heard someone share comments that are sexist, racist or in some other way demeaning to a marginalized group. Be prepared to speak your truth and then do so when it happens. It will happen.
• Be prepared to speak to someone you know who uses coercive control on their intimate partner. Tell them that you see what they are doing and it is not OK. We cannot let people who are being directly victimized carry the burden of speaking back. They are often in the least safe position to do so.

Action means learning about domestic abuse: how it works, where it exists, what it takes to end it, then taking what you’ve learned and applying it in the world. In your world. We need you.

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Innovative & Responsive Organization working to End Domestic Violence in Cumberland County Maine

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Innovative & Responsive Organization working to End Domestic Violence in Cumberland County Maine

24 Hour Helpline Donate Now
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